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Korban Awards


January 21, 2021 



Dear Cast, Crew & LampLight Theatre Volunteers, 


We are so excited to be hosting second annual Korban Awards for excellence. Korban means “sacrificial offering/gift devoted to God.”  We believe that all gifts/talents are from God and should be given back to Him to be used for His glory. 


The purpose for the Korban Awards is to acknowledge those who have achieved excellence in their field of theatre/ ministry.  We know that ultimately God is the rewarder of those “who diligently seek Him.”  We would like only to recognize the efforts of those who bring glory to God through the use of their gifts here on earth.  The awards are given based on an individual’s merit and not their popularity. 


To be nominated for the first round, individuals must have met specific criteria to qualify for each category and had to be nominated by a member of the Korban Academy. Actors are not eligible for nomination if they were nominated for the same role the year prior. However, actors can be nominated for a revival of a show that had been previously retired for at least a year and then returned to the stage. The Academy also requires that all cast/crew/and volunteers continue to hold to the standard of Christian living that they agreed to maintain when they signed the Contract Agreement for each show. 


Nominations are in for the first round of voting.  Now, you and your peers get to narrow each category down. Once the categories are “narrowed down”, there will be a second round of voting where it will then be time to select the winners of each category. If a nominee makes it to the first round of voting and wishes to decline their nomination, The Academy will respectfully honor their decision. Please notify the Theatre Manager, Stephanie Davidson, within the first round of voting if you wish to decline your nomination.  Those nominees will be taken from the list of nominees before the second round. The winners of the final round will be announced at the Korban Awards night on March 14, 2021.   


The Korban Awards Ceremony is a red-carpet event and will be held at LampLight Theatre at 7:00 PM.  A reception with hors d’oeuvres will be held at The Emporium at 6:00 PM. This will precede the awards ceremony.  This is a formal event and reservations will be required.  Final nominees will be allowed to come for a reduced rate of $15 per adult and $10 per student (Ages 5 thru 12).  All other Cast, Crew, Volunteers, and public must pay full admission to the Reception and Awards Ceremony.  Tickets will be $20 per adult (Students will be $15).  This includes the Reception and Awards Ceremony.  NO tickets will be available for Awards Ceremony only, nor will any complimentary tickets be available. The Korban Awards Ceremony will be broadcast live online for those who cannot attend. 


In order to vote, you must have participated in a production during 2020. This would include actors, actresses, tech crew, production team, ushers, house managers, box office workers, concession workers, and gift shop workers.  Please note, there will be a change in the voting procedure this year. This year, only eligible tech crew and production team members will be able to vote in the tech category. Also, only eligible volunteers will be able to vote in the Service category. Please pay attention to the category descriptions, it will mention if there are any voting restrictions in that particular category. Please contact the Theatre Manager if you have any questions about the voting process this year. 


Ballots can be downloaded from  Go to: “For Cast Only” tab.  Use password: “passion”. Print a copy and vote.  First round ballots are due by February 7 at 5:00 PM. All ballots must be returned to LampLight Theatre either by email, or hand delivered.  Any ballots received after that time will be disqualified.  ONLY one ballot per person.  Your name will be checked against the Academy’s master list to ensure that you are eligible to vote and to make certain there will be no duplicate voting.  If you are unable to download, you may pick up a hard copy of the ballot from LampLight Theatre.  You must contact us in advance in order for us to have your copy ready. 


Congratulations to our nominees! We are excited for you all to join us for the awards night on Sunday, March 14th at 6:00 PM, and to give us an opportunity to express our appreciation for all of your hard work. Please pass this information along to others that you know may be eligible to vote.  We want everyone to participate.  We are excited for this event and we want to pay rightful recognition to those who have made their contribution to LampLight Theatre. We are thankful for the service you have given over the last 16 years. We pray that you will help set the standard for years to come.  NOW, let’s vote!!!! 





Billy Wayne Arrington  


LampLight Theatre  










FOR 2020 

*Please choose 2 nominees from each section unless otherwise noted 




  1. Best Leading Dramatic Performances – LampLight Theatre

The person playing a lead dramatic role in any Lamplight Theatre production. They are the title character and/or a major plot point revolves around their character. 


The Best Leading Dramatic Actor – LampLight Theatre 


    • Alex O’Neal – HFH – Randall Garrett

    • Craig Stevens – Final Scourge – Sherriff Tom Blevins

    • Jarred Harrell – Final Scourge – Cannon Blevins

    • Jay Wolfe – Final Scourge – Chance Montgomery

    • Jeremy Dorton – Final Scourge - Satan

    • John Lyons – Final Scourge – Professor Jack Michaels

    • Jonathan Ross- Final Scourge – Tate Snodgrass

    • Larry McClure – Merriest Christmas – Bartimus Crump

    • Matt Dotten – Final Scourge – Pastor Chad Henley

    • Russell Marshall – HFH – Tom Garrett

    • Tyler Bishop – AGWW – Billy Wayne

    • Tyler Bishop – HFH – Clay Starnes

    • Tyler Bishop – Merriest Christmas – Messenger of Christmas Present

    • Tyler Hale – Final Scourge – Brent Montgomery


The Best Leading Dramatic Actress – LampLight Theatre


  • Angie Marshall – AGWW – Granny Mary Belle

  • Angie Marshall – HFH – Jolene Garrett

  • Angie Marshall – Merriest Christmas – Messenger of Christmas Future

  • Hannah Pope – Merriest Christmas – Miss Victoria

  • Hannah Taylor – Final Scourge – Avery Montgomery

  • Kristen Hutchins – Final Scourge - Mephisto

  • Lynn Dorton – Final Scourge – Ann Montgomery 

  • McKenna Bishop – HFH – Julie Garrett

  • McKenna Bishop – Merriest Christmas – Messenger of Christmas Past

The Best Child Leading Dramatic/Comedic Performance – LampLight Theatre


  • Albert Jordi – AGWW – Young Billy Wayne

  • Carson Hewitt – Abraham - Isaac

  • Grayson Hewitt – Abraham – Isaac

  • Marley Hutson – Merriest Christmas – Priscilla 

  • Trinity Brill – Billy Wonka - Shenanigans


  1. Best Leading Dramatic Performances – Leerie Stage

The person playing a lead dramatic role in any Leerie Stage production. They are the title character and/or a major plot point revolves around their character. 


The Best Leading Dramatic Actor – Leerie Stage


  • Justin Davidson – Walking with the Dead – George Eastman

  • Russell Marshall – Walking with the Dead – John B. Dennis


The Best Leading Dramatic Actress – Leerie Stage


  • Angie Marshall – Walking with the Dead – Lula Dobyns

  • Angie Marshall – Women of Faith – Widow of Zarapeth

  • Bre Terry – Women of Faith – Woman with the Issue of Blood

  • Hannah Taylor – Women of Faith – Narrator

  • Kristen Hutchins – Women of Faith – Mary

  • McKenna Bishop – Women of Faith – Martha

  • Sarah Shelton – Women of Faith – Woman at the Well


  1. Best Leading Comedy Performances – Lamplight Theatre  

The person playing a lead comedy role in any Lamplight Theatre Production. They are the title character or a major plot point around their character.


The Best Leading Comedic Actor – LampLight Theatre


  • Caleb Banks – Foggy Valley Reunion - Cleopha

  • Derek Cress – Foggy Valley Reunion - Roscoe

  • Justin Davidson – Foggy Valley Reunion - Wilfred

  • Justin Davidson – House Divided - Wilfred

  • Justin Davidson – South of the Border - Wilfred

  • Mike Johnson – House Divided - Virgil

  • Steve Pate -  A House Divided - Spoolie

  • Steve Pate – Foggy Valley Reunion - Spoolie

  • Steve Pate – South of the Border - Spoolie

  • Tyler Bishop – Foggy Valley Reunion – Isaac Howe

  • Tyler McMullins – Foggy Valley Reunion - Otis


The Best Leading Comedic Actress – LampLight Theatre


  • Carmen Phillips – Foggy Valley Reunion - Ura

  • Jennifer Johnson – House Divided - Ima

  • Kelli Hutson – Merriest Christmas - Ruth

  • Tina Cyr – Foggy Valley Reunion - Clementine

  • Tina Cyr – Foggy Valley South of the Border – Clementine/Juanita

  • Tina Cyr – House Divided - Clementine

  • Traci Pate – Foggy Valley Reunion - Mama

  • Traci Pate – House Divided - Mama

  • Traci Pate – South of the Border - Mama


  1. Best Leading Comedy Performances - Leerie Stage

The person playing a lead comedy role in any Leerie Stage Production. They are the title character or a major plot point around their character.


The Best Leading Comedic Actor – Leerie Stage


  • Jeb Boyd – Night of Improv

  • Justin Davidson – Foggy Valley Crisis (Facebook Live) – Wilfred

  • Justin Davidson – Night of Improv

  • Steve Pate – Foggy Valley Crisis (Facebook Live) – Spoolie


The Best Leading Comedic Actress – Leerie Stage


  • Makenna Bishop – Walking with the Dead – Rowena Ross

  • Tina Cyr – Foggy Valley Crisis (Facebook Live) - Clementine

  • Traci Pate – Foggy Valley Crisis (Facebook Live) – Mama


  1. Best Supporting Dramatic Performances – Lamplight Theatre

The person playing a supporting dramatic role in any Lamplight Theatre Production. Their character helps move the plot, although the plot does not revolve around them. 


The Best Supporting Dramatic Actor


  • Andrew Dotten – Scourge – Alfred “Toke” Mullins

  • Ethan Vaughn – HFH – Russell Garrett

  • Jared Harrell – Abraham – Ishmael

  • Jay Wolfe – AGWW – Randy

  • Jay Wolfe – AGWW- Jack

  • Jessie Cradic – Scourge – red horse

  • John Lyons- Scourge – Professor Jack Michaels

  • Joseph Ramey – Scourge – white horse




  • Justin Davidson – Merriest Christmas – Narrator/Reverend Pottinger 

  • Larry McClure – Abraham – Lot

  • Levi Bradley – Scourge – Reverend Langston

  • Lloyd Johnson – Scourge – Pale Horse

  • Mike Anglin – Abraham - Pharaoh 

  • Russell Marshall – Abraham – Angel of God

  • Scotty Johnson – Scourge – black horse

  • Tommie Staylor – Scourge – Pale horse

  • Tyler Bridges – AGWW – Gerald


The Best Supporting Dramatic Actress 


  • Abigail Marshall – Abraham – Young Hagar

  • Abigail Marshall – HFH – Missy Jones

  • Abigail Marshall – Scourge – Morgan Blevins

  • Angie Marshall – Abraham - Hagar

  • Bre Terry – Scourge – Kira Henley

  • Callie Worley – Scourge – Reverend Darlene Porter

  • Chelsea Perry – Scourge – Deputy Lois Noland 

  • Denise Bolden – AGWW – Nonna

  • Denise Bolden – Scourge – Reverend Darlene Porter

  • Isabella McNew – AGWW – Lee Meredith

  • Isabella McNew – Scourge – Taylor Cline

  • Kelli Hutson – HFH – Mabel Starnes

  • Laiken Hyatt- Scourge – Makayla Kerns

  • Laiken Hyatt – AGWW – Aunt Beverly

  • Lauren Harr – Scourge – Dr. Tabitha Gains

  • Lily Hutson – AGWW – Terry

  • Loni Fox – Scourge – Sierra Spivey

  • Mattae Anderson – AGWW – Donna

  • Olivia Reece – AGWW – Vickie Hays

  • Rebecca Harrell – Scourge – Samantha Holt

  • Sam Hite – Mother Mary/Grandma Windsor



Best Supporting Dramatic/Comedy Child Performance 


  • Albert Jordi – Merriest Christmas – Young Bartimus

  • Christian Lewis – Merriest Christmas – Young Bartimus

  • Laura Johnson – Merriest Christmas - Kathleen

  • Laura Johnson – AGWW – Edna




  • Alysa Baines – HFH – Catherine Starnes

  • Alexis Baines – HFH – Caroline Starnes

  • Dana Lynn Smith – HFH – Janie Garrett 

  • Noah Marshall – AGWW – Dobie Darnell


  1. Best Supporting Comedic Performance 

The person playing a supporting comedic role in any Lamplight Theatre Production. Their character helps move the plot, although the plot does not revolve around them. 


The Best Supporting Comedic Actor 


  • Jeb Boyd – South of the Border – Sheriff Benky

  • Justin Davidson – Billy Wonka – Shenanigans - Wilfred

  • Logan Hubbard – Billy Wonka – Shenanigans

  • Matt Dotten – South of the Border – Officer Pervis


 The Best Supporting Comedic Actress 


    • Autumn Banks – Foggy Valley Reunion - Olga

    • Bre Terry – HFH – Lucy Jennings

    • Chelsea Perry – HFH – Laura Jennings 

    • Chelsea Perry – Merriest Christmas – Chamberlain Maid 

    • Luanne Malone – House Divided – Barbara Rathers

    • Luanne Malone – South of the Border - Clarice

    • McKenzie Hoskins – Foggy Valley Reunion – Luella Simpson

    • Rebecca Sloane – Billy Wonka - Shenanigans

    • Rebecca Harold – Merriest Christmas – Mitchens Maid

    • Victoria Miller – Merriest Christmas – Caskin Maid


  1. Cameo 

The person in a minor role that really shined in their role in any Lamplight Theatre/Leery Stage Production. This character may or may not have been involved in the main plot. The ones that “stole the scene.” Can be speaking or nonspeaking.  


The Best Cameo Actor  


  • Bam Bam Hamilton – The Final Scourge - Zombie

  • Bill Staylor – Spirit of Liberty - Men in Black

  • Isaac Johnson – AGWW- Roy Steinberg/Drinking/Pastor Randy

  • Isaac Johnson – Foggy Valley Reunion 




  • Jerry Wolfe – AGWW- Charles Phillips

  • Josh Castle – Abraham – Soldier

  • Josh Castle – AGWW – Dr. Whelton

  • Larry McClure- AGWW- Paul Powers

  • Lenny Owens – Foggy Valley Reunion - Cedric

  • Shaun Main – Foggy Valley Reunion – Granny Bodine


The Best Cameo Actress 


  • Becky Duncan – HFH – Helen Jones

  • Deanna West – AGWW – Mrs. Crumb

  • Diane Lucas – AGWW – Marion Ausmus

  • Karen Wilson – AGWW – Mrs. Amboise Chaimont

  • Mattea Anderson – AGWW – Norma Jean


The Best Cameo Child 


  • AdaMarie Davidson – Abraham – Goodbye Girl

  • Marley Huston – AGWW – Young Donna


  1. Best Lead Vocal Performance 

Best Lead vocal performance in any Lamplight Theatre/Leery Stage Production. This person performed a solo number and/or sang the lead with backup singers.


The Best Lead Male Vocal Performance


  • Alex O’Neal – HFH – Randall Garrett – Count your Blessings

  • Jeb Boyd – Shenanigans – Rum Tum Tugger 

  • Johnathan Ross- HFT – Johnny Radford – Santa Claus

  • Logan Hubbard – HFH – Captain Cooke – Accentuate the Positive

  • Mike Anglin – Patriotic – You’ll be Back

  • Tim Baldwin – Patriotic – American Soldier

  • Tim Baldwin – Shenanigans - Give My Regards to Broadway

  • Tyler Bishop – AGWW – Act of God 

  • Tyler Bishop – AGWW – Heaven’s Gain

  • Tyler Bishop – Merriest Christmas – Still Her Little Child

  • Tyler Bishop – Shenanigans – Marion


The Best Lead Female Vocal Performance 


    • Abigail Marshall – Abraham – Thy Will

    • Abigail Marshall – The Final Scourge – Defender

    • Angie Marshall – Merriest Christmas – Was it a Morning Like This

    • Angie Marshall – Patriotic - There Was Jesus

    • Celeste Rogers – Shenanigans - Memory

    • Hannah Pope – Christmas Was Meant for Children – Ms. Victoria

    • Jaycie Bise – Shenanigans – I Want It Now

    • Karen Wilson – HFH – Josephine Carter – We’ll Meet Again

    • Karen Wilson – Patriotic- All God’s Children

    • McKenna Arnold – Patriotic – Welcome Home

    • McKenna Bishop – Merriest Christmas – When Love Was Born

    • McKenna Bishop – Patriotic – Burn

    • McKenna Bishop –Patriotic - Hero

    • Rachel Trigg – Shenanigans - McCavity 

    • Tina Cyr – House Divided – Respect


The Best Child Vocal Performance 


  • Dana Lynn Smith – HFH – Swing on a Star

  • Marley Hutson – Merriest Christmas – Silent Night

  • Trinity Brill – Shenanigans - Gary Indiana 


  1. Best Group (Duet/Trio/Quartet/Etc.) Vocal Performance


    • Vickie Henegar – HFH – Button up Your Overcoat

    • Vickie Henegar, Karen Wilson, Denise Bolden – HFH – Jingle Bells

    • Tyler and McKenna Bishop – Under the Apple Tree

    • Russell Marshall, Angie Marshall, Tyler Bishop, and McKenna Bishop – HFH – Sentimental Reasons

    • Kelli Huston, Chelsea Perry, Rebecca Harrell, Victoria Miller – Merriest Christmas – Chit Chat

    • Alex O’Neal, Dana Lynn Smith, and Ethan Vaughn – Swing on a Star

    • Michelle Wolfe, Amy Fleenor, and Tina Staylor – HFH – Santa Claus 

    • Angie Marshall and Ethan Vaughn – HFH- Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

    • Tyler Bishop and Jonathan Ross – Patriotic – Hamilton Medley

    • Angie and Abigail Marshall –  Patriotic - American Honey

    • Tim Baldwin and Vickie Henegar – What I Love About Sundays

    • Jonathan Ross and Abigail Marshall – Patriotic – Where’s the Love






    • Tim Baldwin, Mike Anglin, Bobbie Anderson, Tyler Bishop – Patriotic – A Few Good Men

    • Mike Anglin, Karen Wilson, Vickie Henegar – Patriotic - Liberty

    • Tim Baldwin, Tyler Bishop, Bobby Anderson – Patriotic - Statue of Liberty

    • Bre Terry, Trinity Brill – Shenanigans - Gary Indiana

    • Celeste Rogers, Nola Sprinkle, Angie Marshall – Shenanigans – Lullaby of Broadway


  1. Best Lead Dance Performance 

Best Lead dance performance in any Lamplight Theatre/Leery Stage Production. In a dance show, they are the title character and/or a major plot point revolves around their character. In drama, comedy, or variety shows, they had a dance solo number and/or they were the featured dancer in a group number.


The Best Lead Male Dance Performance 


    • Jonathan Ross – LeCadre – The Prince

    • Jonathan Ross – Patriotic – Hamilton Medley

    • Tyler Bishop – Patriotic – Hamilton Medley


The Best Lead Female Dance Performance


  • Bre Terry – LeCadre – Ange de Chu 

  • Gracie Blevins – HFH – Let it Snow

  • Kristen Hutchins – Le Cadre – Gypsy Queen

  • Laiken Hyatt – Patriotic – Welcome Home

  • Lily Hutson – Merriest Christmas – When Love Was Born

  • Meisha Ball – LeCadre - Maiden


The Best Child Dance Performance


  • Jazzy Beaty – LeCadre - Young Gypsy Maiden

  • Laura Johnson – LeCadre - Jester

  • Madison Cox – LeCadre – Arcangue

  • Marley Huston – The Merriest Christmas 

  • Marley Hutson – Le Cadre – Arcangue






  1. Best Supporting Dance Performance 

Best Non-Lead vocal performance in any Lamplight Theatre/Leery Stage Production. In a dance show, their character helps move the plot, although the plot does not revolve around them. In drama, comedy, or variety shows, they were in group numbers and/or had a small solo in a group number.


The Best Supporting Male Dance Performance


  • Jay Wolf – Merriest Christmas

  • Jeb Boyd – Shenanigans

  • Jeremiah Rogers – Shenanigans

  • Jerry Wolf – Merriest Christmas

  • Justin Davidson – Shenanigans

  • Logan Hubbard – Merriest Christmas

  • Logan Hubbard – Shenanigans 

  • Tyler Bishop – Shenanigans


The Best Supporting Female Dance Performance


  • Aaliyah Kegley – Le Cadre – Fallen Angel

  • Ciara Kegley – Le Cadre – Good Angel

  • Hannah Spurlin – Merriest Christmas

  • Jayden Lane – Le Cadre – Good Angel

  • Kaitlyn Wheatley – Merriest Christmas

  • Laiken Hyatt – Le Cadre – Good Angels

  • Lily Hutson – Le Cadre – Fallen Angel

  • Lily Hutson – Merriest Christmas 

  • Marley Hutson – AGWW – Dreamcoat Dancer

  • Olivia Reece – Le Cadre – Fallen Angel

  • Olivia Smith – Le Cadre – Good Angel

  • Toni France – Le Cadre – Fallen Angel

  • Trinity Brill – AGWW – Dreamcoat Dancer

  • Winter Broadwater – Le Cadre – Gitan




The Best Wardrobe Assistant – The wardrobe assistant helps by pulling costumes, washing costumes after each performance, puts costumes back in stock for future use. They also help clean and organize wardrobe on an ongoing basis. They are also available during the performances to repair wardrobe as needed. – Must have volunteered with wardrobe to vote


  • Debbie VanderHeyden

  • Donna Williams

  • Karla Bailey

  • Tammy Ward

The Best Assistant Director – The Assistant Director is responsible for writing down blocking, notes, scheduling conflicts with the cast, and keeping up with administrative duties of the cast. They act as the liaison between the cast and the director. To be eligible for nomination, a person must have operated as an assistant director efficiently for at least the full run of one show. -  Must have performed in a show to vote in this category


  • Hannah Spurlin 

  • Jeremy White 

  • Tyler Bishop 


The Best Musical Assistant – The Musical Assistant is responsible for assisting with picking out music for shows, rehearsing with the actors, helping find tracks in the correct key, etc. They work directly with the Director and Assistant Director – Must have performed in a show to vote in this category - 


  • Anna Mitchell

  • Autumn Banks

  • Denise Bolden

  • Nola Sprinkle

  • Jeremy White


The Best Stage Manager – The Stage Manager is responsible for coordinating the technical arrangements for the performance and is the liaison between the tech crew and the director. To be eligible for nomination, a person must have operated as a stage manager efficiently for at least the full run of one show. – Must have volunteered in the tech department to vote in this category -


  • Hannah Taylor

  • Rebecca Harrell


The Best Backstage Hand -  The Backstage Hand is responsible for changing sets, special effects, and other backstage technical work during a show. To be eligible for nomination, a person must have operated as a backstage hand efficiently for at least the full run of one show. -  Must have volunteered in the tech department to vote in this category


  • Glen Taylor

  • Joshua Howards

  • Matt Hicks

  • Tommy Staylor







The Best Lighting Technician –  The Lighting Technician is responsible for running the lights and lighting special effects during the run of a show. To be eligible for nomination, a person must have operated as a lighting technician efficiently for at least the full run of one show. - Must have volunteered in the tech department to vote in this category


  • Hannah Taylor

  • Laura Johnson

  • Olivia Reece

  • Tommy Staylor


 The Best Spotlight Operator – The Spotlight Operator is responsible for the running of a spotlight during the run of a show. To be eligible for nomination, a person must have operated as a spotlight operator efficiently for at least the full run of one show. - Must have volunteered in the tech department to vote in this category


  • Anton Wolfe

  • Debbie VanderHeyden

  • Jonathan Howard

  • Laiken Hyatt

  • Lloyd Johnson

  • Noah Marshall


The Best Sound Technician – The Sound Technician is responsible for running the music, microphones, and adjusting the sound for the actors and audience for the run of a show. To be eligible for nomination, a person must have operated as a sound technician efficiently for at least the full run of one show. – Must have volunteered in tech to vote in this category


  • John Lyons 

  • Kayden Cyphers

  • Rebecca Harrell

  • Tommy Staylor

The Best Rehearsal Sound Technician – The Rehearsal Sound Technician is the one that assists the director by playing music and sounds effects required for rehearsals. This is not necessarily the person that runs the sound for the show, but a volunteer that is assisting with rehearsals. Must have performed in a show or volunteered in tech to vote in this category


  • John Lyons

  • Kayden Cyphers

  • Rebecca Harrell

  • Tommy Staylor







The Best House Manager – The House Manager is able to run things smoothly, and coordinate and delegate tasks effectively among volunteers, has great communication, demonstrate strength of character and high levels of responsibility, is a multi-tasker, is a problem solver, is quick under pressure, and is alert and attentive to patrons. Must have volunteered a minimum of 4 performances to vote in this category.

  • Amy Fleenor 

  • Jill Raines

  • Sally France


The Best Box Office Worker – The Box Office Worker must have a great personality and communication skills, has good customer service skills, shows attention to detail and organization, has ability to troubleshoot and adapt to situations on the fly, and has great ability to work under pressure. Must have volunteered a minimum of 4 performances. Must have volunteered a minimum of 4 performances to vote in this category.

  • Deborah Montgomery

  • Melinda Hyatt

  • Terry Weaver


The Best Concession Stand Worker – The Concession Stand Worker is friendly with welcoming guests, has good listening skills, is organized, is good with counting and working with money, maintains the stand to keep it clean and sanitized, and stays until their job is completed. Must have volunteered a minimum of 4 performances. Must have volunteered a minimum of 4 performances to vote in this category.

  • Amy Fleenor

  • Denise Bolden

  • Kathy McDavid

  • Michelle Allen

  • Tina Staylor


The Best Usher – The Usher’s top priority is to assist guests or patrons, has strong communication skills, displays a friendly personality, has knowledge of all theater safety rules, is helpful to the Theatre manager in task that he or she assigns without complaint, and stays very alert. Must have volunteered a minimum of 4 performances. Must have volunteered a minimum of 4 performances to vote in this category.

  • Amy Fleenor

  • Janet Lane

  • Pam Bledsoe

  • Rita Carter

  • Tina Staylor 

 The Best Gift Shop Worker – The Gift Shop Worker is very positive and desires to make patrons happy, they are honest, patient, friendly, and are good with counting and numbers. Must have volunteered a minimum of 4 performances. Must have volunteered a minimum of 4 performances to vote in this category.


  • Deana West

  • Denise Baldwin

  • Janet Lane

  • Marcia Mitchell 


The Best Security Worker – The Security Worker is prepared by being properly equipped to handle any situation that comes their way, they are honest, quick and smart thinking, has good communication skills, displays respect for patrons and volunteers, and stays alert at all times. Must have volunteered a minimum of 4 performances. Must have volunteered a minimum of 4 performances to vote in this category.

  • Bill Staylor

  • Joey Strickler

  • Russell Marshall

  • Shaun Main

  • Todd Bishop

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