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"Foggy Valley Gang:
Ignurnce Is Bliss"

January 10th - February 2nd

The gang is back! Our comedy crew might cost you a couple of ribs, but we promise it will be worth it. Catch our beloved Foggy Valley Gang's "Ignurnce is Bliss"

upcoming events

Outreach Ministries

Hope And Love Outreach

I.A. Camp a summer camp hosted by Billy Wayne Ministries every summer! Attending camp will provide a time of fun experiences, fond memories, and lasting friendship, while spending time with the Lord.


Our Desire is all students would be able to attend our camps regardless of their financial situation. 

I.A. Camp a summer camp hosted by Billy Wayne Ministries every summer! Attending camp will provide a time of fun experiences, fond memories, and lasting friendship, while spending time with the Lord.


Our Desire is all students would be able to attend our camps regardless of their financial situation. 

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Jesus came to offer Hope and Love to a lost and hurting world. We, as Christians, seek to offer that same Hope and Love to the hurting world around us today. So many children and families in our area are in need both physically and spiritually. 


Click below to find out more. 


I.A. Camp a summer camp hosted by Billy Wayne Ministries every summer! Attending camp will provide a time of fun experiences, fond memories, and lasting friendship, while spending time with the Lord.


Our Desire is all students would be able to attend our camps regardless of their financial situation. 

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Have you ever wanted to develop and enhance your gifts and talents in the arts? Would your church like to start a ministry team? Vision Productions, Inc. welcomes you to join us for the A.I.M. conference!


Click Here For More Info

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Click here to Donate

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Click Here For More Info

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BeLOCAL Kingsport & Bristol is a proud supporter of LampLight Theatre. Be sure to check out their site:
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